On the Subject of Candy Land

Candy Land: now with actual skill required.

  • Play a game of Candy Land.
  • The card you draw appears on the left. The buttons and display on the right let you submit.
  • Submit the number of spaces you need to move based on the card you draw. You can press the screen to submit.
  • After you submit, another card will be drawn and you will need to move again.
  • The module will solve when you reach the end of the map.
  • When you strike, you go back to the starting square.

In Candy Land, you draw cards to move. The card will have either one or two squares of a certain color. If there is one square, you move forward until you reach the first tile that matches that color. If there are two squares, you move forward until you reach the second tile that matches that color.

start here O Y G Y R O P B G R Y R G O P Y B P O G B G P R Y B R P B Y